
This document outlines all the different event types that occur within the Pinch system and what they are for.

Events are generated every time something happens behind the scenes in Pinch these allow API integrators hooks into the system when these events are triggered.

Consuming Events

To consume these events there are multiple options:

Event types

This is a list of all the types of events we currently send. We may add more at any time, so in developing and maintaining your code, you should not assume that only these types exist.


Occurs whenever a bank account transaction return (as these take time to process) and could result in a dishonour status. If you are taking bank account transactions you will need to listen for this event otherwise you may miss failed payments.

event.payments is a list of BankResultPayment


Occurs whenever scheduled Payments are processed (daily on business days).

event.payments is a list of PaymentWithPayer


Occurs whenever a transfer is created to settle funds to a Merchant.

event.transfer is a Transfer object


Occurs whenever a realtime payment is executed.

event.payment is a Payment object


Occurs wheneverr a Payment is created in Pinch. This could be done through the Save Payment endpoint or when a Subscription creates its payments.

event.payment is a Payment object


Occurs whenever a new Payer record is created.

event.payer is a Payer object


Occurs whenever a Payer record is updated.

event.payer is a Payer object


Occurs whenever a Refund is created.

event.refund is a Refund object


Occurs whenever a Refund is updated (such as when the refund status gets updated through its processing).

event.refund is a Refund object


Occurs whenever a Merchant record is updated that will result in a compliance check (such as updating a Merchant's bank account or when a Merchant uploads a document for verification).

event.complianceSubmission is a Compliance object


Occurs whenever a Dispute is created.

event.dispute is a Dispute object


Occurs whenever a Dispute is updated.

event.dispute is a Dispute object


Occurs whenever a Merchant record is updated.

event.merchant is a Merchant object


Occurs whenever a Merchant's compliance information is updated by a compliance officer, typically this happens when a Merchants verification status changes.

event.compliance is a MerchantCompliance object


Occurs whenever a Subscription is created for a Payer

event.subscription is a Subscription object


Occurs whenever a Subscription is cancelled.

event.subscription is a Subscription object


Occurs whenever a Subscription is run to completion.

event.subscription is a Subscription object