Managed Merchants Payments Guide

This guide outlines the typical process for taking Payments using Managed Merchants.

To make use of these features you will require a verified Pinch Developer account.

Here is the process to follow to take payments for Managed Merchants:

Create Managed Merchant

Using your Master Merchant API credentials use the Create Managed Merchants endpoint to create managed merchants (Your clients)

Store Merchant Id

Make sure to store the Merchant Id in your system from the above response (this is a string identifier starting with mch_)

Subscribe to Webhooks

Make a call to the Create or Update Webhook Endpoint to setup a new webhook subscription for the newly created merchant. Take a look at the Events guide to understand the different types of events available to the webhook subscription.

Merchant Compliance

Once the managed merchant is created we will need to take them through compliance where we need identification and proof of business documents to be uploaded. Once you get to this part we can go into more detail on the info we require and see if you want to build into the API part of this or send them off to our form to handle it.

API Credentials

Use your Master Merchant API credentials along with the Current Merchant header with the Merchant Id of the client you are calling the API on behalf of (See Managed Merchants Guide )

Form Elements

Then to create the form elements see the examples on the Tokenisation docs page Including the working credit card tokenisation example JsFiddle


Your form widget will need to create a token from the payment details before submission then once you have the token that can be passed safely to your backend where it is used to make a call to the payment endpoint, if we are just looking at credit cards for this first pass then this will be the realtime payment endpoint

Create Payments

This endpoint will give you a response object containing an id for the payment (string identifier starting with pmt_) that you can then store as a reference to the payment (For later use with the webhooks if needed).