Getting started with Pinch Zapier integration
This guide will outline the step required to add your Pinch account to Zapier to enable integration with the Pinch platform using Zapier.
- A Zapier account to setup the integration with (A free account can be used with the Pinch integration). Login or Sign up here:
- Either a Pinch Merchant account ( or a Pinch Developer account ( Note, if using live mode you will have had to completed compliance and have your account fully activated. Only Pinch Developer accounts will have access to sandbox mode API keys.
Adding Pinch to your Zapier
Step 1: Find the Integration on Zapier and connect to your Zapier account.
Step 2: In Zapier, select new Zap and search for Pinch Payments
and add connection. You will be presented with the screen below. Fill this out with the required details by clicking the links in the help text to be taken to the API keys area.
Step 3: Click continue and Zapier will create a connection to Pinch.
Note: You can add as many connections as you would like. On the example above we have a test connection as well as a live connection. Useful if you would like to test out a Zap functionality using the Pinch sandbox environment.
The Pinch Zapier plugin is open source and can be found on GitHub:
Updated 12 months ago